Wednesday, October 20, 2010


19th and 20th October 2010

The weather in Canberra is definitely improving which is wonderful because at this time of year we should all be rejoicing with warmer weather and longer daylight hours.  Yet again I had experienced a dreadful night sleep plagued with pain especially in my right heel, you know the kind of pain that no matter where you place your leg it seems to get worse rather than better.

This week is my two day week at school, I had Science first which we did some research on our Science Assessment in the Library.  I did some reading on the Moon and how it has different phases, it was really interesting, I will now look at the Moon differently when it appears glimmering mysteriously in the evening sky.  After Science it was time for English, we were working on a worksheet from the day before on Cathy Freeman, one of the activities was to find a page reference for a sentence that was written, I think doing this sort of activity really assists with research skills.  We then watched a You Tube documentary on camera angles in a motion picture, there are so many different ones compared to still photographs that we learnt about earlier in the year.  After English it was time for Maths, we are learning angles, this is probably the most difficult and challenging area of maths that I have come across this year, I will have to do extra practise so that I can really understand it with confidence.

When we came home at recess I was really exhausted, I needed to have a rest, afterwards I read Pocahontas, played Upwords and then we had to take Nalani to the doctors to have her wart scraped off and then refrozen, it was good news for her because it looks like there are no roots remaining so it should now disappear. 

In the afternoon I had pain and a stinging sensation in my left palm it was dreadful and nothing I tried would make it disappear.  Jarrett had running training and even though the weather was quite pleasant, I did not feel up to going for a walk around the oval in my wheelchair because the surface is a little uneven and the bumps would make my ankle and heel painful, I already had enough pain and did not want to have to have more to cope with, so I did some activities in a Christmas Activity Book.

I rode the exercise bike again at night time after dinner but not too close to bedtime, I was only able to ride for ten minutes because my right knee began to stiffen and click as I was pedalling.  I have not had too many problems with my right knee lately, most of my problems have been with my heel and ankle. When I got off the bike my knee was all hot and swollen and I was unable to bend it straight, Mum had to massage it so that I could straighten it out properly. 

During the night and early hours of this morning I woke with pain in my right hand, the pain then was accompanied by pins and needles which actually felt like they were vibrating all along my arm, I had nausea and then when I was sitting after breakfast something occurred, I had another seizure. The last thing I remember was having a little pain on the left side of my head and then my right arm had dropped again and was so heavy and painful, then I felt like I needed to sleep, it was like I had competed in the Commonwealth Games Marathon and I had no energy left.  Mum put a sling on it to elevate and support it which always helps.  I  could not move it at all but by lunch time today it has regained a little strength but remains painful and very weak. 

I had to have my blood tests done that my paediatrician had requested on Monday when I visited him, blood tests are simple, I sat there calm and smiling as the pathologist put the needle into my vein, I even watched the blood flow from my vein into the vials that it is collected in, some people are unable to watch as it makes them feel ill.  Usually the veins in my right arm are the best ones to take blood from they are larger for some reason but today they had to use my left arm because of my right one being in the sling and paralysed.  It was all over before I knew it and Mum applied pressure while the vials were sorted out then I was given a Tweety Band aid to go over the insertion spot. 

The sun was shinning from our brilliant blue skies in Canberra today, happiness filled my heart even though I was in pain and still felt 'strange' from the seizure.  I think of the sun as God smiling down on the Earth, in awe of all the wonders of nature and his love for all the people. 

It is difficult for me to type today because of my hands so I have kept it short and sweet, may love and hope fill your hearts when you look at the beautiful sunshine shining down on your life. 


Anonymous said...

Hi Dainere, another day is upon us . wow school seems a lot more interesting now than when I went , well done .

Did you ever see the film Pocahontas, we did it was lovely , if you havent seen it get out the video or dvd if one was made .

Sorry to hear that you had trouble with that knee stiffening up and clicking. But keep at it.

This is not fair Dainere is it , now another seizure , you are marvelous for what you are able to put up with , youve well and truly beaten me , my young friend , We are so proud of how you have managed all this .

Hope the blood results are what they should be.

Well Dear Dainere , I hope and pray that you will have a better night tonight , at least the days as you say are geting longer and the mornings will soon be warmer , it makes so much difference doesnt it .

Our Chapel at the hospital I work in has just been renovated and when I get the chance will send you a photo of the inside , the light coming through the stained glass windows is magic , its so like a fresh rainbow . lots of love stuart and meryl xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Dainere
Im still reading your blogs, and catching up with what you are doing (even though I dont comment). Just reading your day to day activities makes me exhausted. You must be so tired. I hope you rest well over the next few days and have more energy especially now that the warmer weather is approaching. Thinking of you always Sandra xoxoxo